Sunday, October 7, 2012

Welcome and invitation for questions

There is never enough time in therapy to get to everything. With every individual and couples session that I have, there is always more I would like to say, more valuable resources to pass along, and more insights that I could share. Although every person and couple are different, I believe that much of what I have to say can apply to many of us. In thinking about topics for this blog, I want them to be relevant.

So here is my request to you: Send me your questions!

Whether you are in therapy with me, have been in therapy with me, in therapy with someone else, never been in therapy before and are curious, want to ask a relationship expert (meaning me!) something and never had the opportunity to etc. I would love to hear from you.

Questions can include, but are not limited to: if you, or you and your partner, are having a hard week and need some help getting unstuck, if you want me to expand upon something I said or did with you, or want a resource. Please email your questions and say that they are specifically for this blog or comment anonymously so that I can maintain confidentiality. In the reply that I post, I will not reveal any confidential or personal information and the post will be written in general terms-if you had the question, someone else has it too. I plan to answer one question a week and if the question would be better addressed in a therapy session, I will let you know personally.

If this is too personal a request, the topics that I am already thinking of covering are:

  • Book, movie, and resource, recommendations for couples, parents, individuals
  • Stress Management Techniques
  • Ways to get out of your negative cycle (for couples and individuals)
  • Ideas for connecting with your partner, friends, or family
  • Personal insights regarding doing this work, being in a relationship, being a parent
  • Sex and relationships
  • Money and relationships
  • Bringing up a potentially difficult/conflict ridden subject with your partner/child/boss in a way that they can hear you
Let me know if there are additional topics that appeal to you or if there are ones on the list above that appeal to you.

I can't wait to hear from you!

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